Dr. Richard L. Hamm
4 years agoWe are truly living in perilous times. There is no debate that our society is fragmented and deeply divided over politics, woke culture, counter culture, religion, what is acceptable and what is unacceptable, what is right and wrong and a myriad of other issues. In fact, it seems that anything and everything separates our present culture. Unfortunately, this is not unique to the twenty-first century. Humankind has been distraught since the beginning of time. It started with Adam and Eve questioning what God had said to them about the “tree of life.” The questioning of God culminated when one of their sons killed their other son over the issue of their offering. Cain took the life of Able over their differences of what God does and does not accept for sacrifices. As you peruse seven thousand years of recorded human history, nothing has changed. Humankind continues in their confusion, rebellion and the destruction of one another. Jesus warned us that when humanity thinks they have reached the apex of their cruelty and carnage that we have brought upon ourselves, He tells us that, “The end is not yet. All these things are just the beginning of sorrows” (Matt 24:6, 8). You ask yourself, “How can it get any worse?” Know with certainty that it will. The swimming in humanity’s head continues. “Head Space: Your Mindset in Difficult Times” seems to be growing with exasperation in these turbulent days.
Is there anything you can do to calm your internal doubts and consternation? What should the mindset of the follower of Christ be in these troubled and trying times? What should the believer be thinking on? Your mindset has to be Biblical, anointed, deliberate, clear, and rooted in holy passion and divine love, if you are to have any hope of penetrating your own mind as well as the calloused hearts of your community. It has to be personal but also has to transition to be part of the prophetic voice of the church of Jesus Christ. The church has to speak clearly and loudly in these matters. He wants you to “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus (Phil 2:5). You must allow the spirit of God to calm your mind to worship, obey, and persevere. Let the person of Jesus Christ and your reunion with Him be your goal and your consuming desire. Receive the “peace of God, which passes all understanding, it shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:7). There are many things that the church has to be cognizant of in these days. Therefore, in this sermon series “Headspace: Your Mindset in Troubles Times,” I will highlight your need, the church’s need to have a: Prophetic Mindset and Voice, Pastoral Mindset and Voice, Prudent Mindset and voice, Penitent Mindset and Voice, Pentecostal Mindset and Voice, Prayerful Mindset and Voice, and a Patient Mindset and Voice. I join the psalmist in proclaiming, “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).