6 years ago
As we survey our national landscape as well as the global trajectory it appears that we are in “the last days” as described in the Holy Scriptures. End time prophecies that were spoken thousands of years ago are presently being fulfilled. How much longer will the “True Church” allow such things to emerge without her voice being heard. It is time for God’s Church to react to such attacks on the eternal values that we hold sacred and immutable. We must speak while we still have the opportunity to do so.
If the Church is going be a voice to positively impact our corrupt and ungodly culture, we must be people of prayer. If our prayers are to have the level of impact upon our culture that we desire then we must utilize the instructions and admonishment from Hosea, "Sow with a view to righteousness, Reap in accordance with kindness; Break up your fallow ground, for its is time to seek the Lord until He comes to rain righteousness on you”
At times do you feel like God doesn't hear your prayers, much less answer them? You don't know how to pray in your given circumstance, or what to pray for in certain situations? You don’t have the clarity to know how to prayer for new things? You lack the knowledge to pray according to God’s will? You desire to embody the Apostle James’ declaration that, “The effectual fervent prayers of righteous men and women accomplish much (James 5:16), but you fill your prayers are dull and repetitive?
As followers of Christ, we understand that we are at war, and the battle is raging all around us. The spiritual warfare is intensifying daily. The carnal and the spirit, darkness and light, unrighteousness and righteousness, Satan and God are opposing forces and eternity hangs in the balance. The followers of Christ’s must be willing and prepared to “fight the good fight of faith.” To be successful and victorious in battle, and to be over comers, we must be people who are powerful prayer warriors. To be powerful prayer warrior we have to be people who are praying in and through the Holy Spirit of God.
How often do you hear the word sanctified or sanctification? How knowledgeable is the 21st century church in understanding what it means to be sanctified? How aggressively are you, as a follower of Christ pursuing sanctification?
“Be ye holy for I am holy says the Lord” (Lev 11:45; 1 Peter 1:15, 16). This command is found in both the OT and NT. If you have any inclination to “unhitch” from the OT, it is carried over in the NT. Therefore, it is a viable command for the 21st century church. One of the major themes of the Bible is God’s call for His people to become holy like Him. God places a strong emphasis on His followers pursuing holiness, because He wants to restore His image in the lives of His children and conform them to the likeness of His Son, who is the firstborn of many brothers (Rom. 8:29).
Obedience is not only a natural and societal law, but also a spiritual law and directive. God is serious about His relationship with humanity and our compliance and obedience to His Word. Obedience is at the top of the list when it comes to things of importance in your spiritual relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ the Lord.
We use a lot of religious jargon in the church that outsiders do not understand. Part of our religious jargon includes the word anointed/anointing. You have probably said, “He/she was really anointed.” Or prayed, “God anoint me for the task that is ahead.” What does that really mean? What are we asking God to do? Jesus testified that, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because He anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor.” I want to answer this question in todays sermon.
What is your moral and spiritual compass for living and navigating life? Every human being has one; culture, upbringing, religious influence, and traditions to highlight a few. They may not be able to identify it, but there are factors and influences that determine how each person lives their life. How do you live life without the wisdom and guidance of God’s Word? The church of Jesus Christ must not be just committed to reading the Holy Scriptures, but passionately obey and with a deep resolve to live out the commands and the directions contained in the Scriptures.
Perhaps one of the most recognizable is Scriptures is, “The joy of the Lord is my strength!”
How do you find authenticity in an age of poor imitation and inferior duplication? What has caused humanity to accept something that is dubious at best and innately inferior at worst? Is it because it is cheaper and you don’t have to spend as much money to make people think that you have something that you don’t? Is it better to desire the authentic and not have it, then to pretend that you possess something that you do not have? Don’t you want the real thing?
Today, I conclude our sermon series “Personal Pursuit.” We have addressed multiple attacks against our sacred teachings and traditions. If the Church is going be a voice to positively impact our corrupt and ungodly culture, and to attain the greatest level of success for the kingdom of God, we must embrace the command of our Lord and Savior, “Seek first the kingdom of God and all of His righteousness” (Matt 6:33). It is essential through our Personal Pursuit of His Presence that we follow His directives. If we, desire the presence of God, let us give ourselves earnestly to this urgent and critical need!