Personal Pursuit

Dr. Richard L. Hamm

6 years ago

As we survey our national landscape as well as the global trajectory it appears that we are in “the last days” as described in the Holy Scriptures. End time prophecies that were spoken thousands of years ago are presently being fulfilled. It is heart-wrenching to witness what appears (and I pray that I am wrong) the apparent collapse of the founding values and ideals of this great country. With the inversion of biblical truth and the eroding of our Judeo-Christian values at such alarming rates, the end is not going to be better than the beginning. How have our biblical values and common sense been turned so upside down in todays culture? How can such a number of things that are blatantly contradictory to the Holy Scriptures and to common sense be the norm, and not remain abnormal? How much longer will the “True Church” allow such things to emerge without her voice being heard. As Sir Isaac Newton stated in his third law of motion that, “For each and every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” It is time for God’s Church to react to such attacks on the eternal values that we hold sacred and immutable. We must speak while we still have the opportunity to do so.

Our present day Christian culture mirrors the nation of Israel (God’s chosen people by His own testimony) in their reaction to God as described by the prophet Hosea approximately 2,800 years ago. R. B. Chisholm, Jr. stated, “Though Hosea’s prophecy contains some calls to repentance, he did not expect a positive response. Judgment was inescapable. In implementing the curses, the Lord would cause the nation to experience infertility, military invasion, and exile. Several times Hosea emphasized the justice of God by indicating that His divine punishment fit the crimes perfectly.”

They, as we are allowing a corrupt, demonic, and ungodly culture to dictate the social norms of our day. The outcome of such compliance and participation in and with the culture is not acceptable and will not produce the desired Godly outcome. We have many examples and illustrations from history to prove this point. Hosea’s prophecy is one very poignant example.

Our new sermon series entitled “Personal Pursuit of Prayer” we will address this present epidemic. If the Church is going be a voice to positively impact our corrupt and ungodly culture, we must be people of prayer. If our prayers are to have the level of impact upon our society that we desire, we must utilize the instructions and admonishment that the Apostle James provides for us, “The effectual fervent prayer of righteous people avails much” (James 5:16). To attain the greatest level of success for the kingdom of God, we must fulfill and embody the instructions given by the prophet Hosea to repent before God and to seek His righteousness through the power of prayer. “Sow with a view to righteousness, Reap in accordance with kindness; Break up your fallow ground, for its is time to seek the Lord until He comes to rain righteousness on you” (Hosea 10:12). We desperately need a rain of righteousness on both the church and the culture that can only come from our great God and heavenly Father.

These instructions given by James and Hosea on the necessity and importance of seeking God ’s righteousness is echoed by our Lord Himself when He said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and all of His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). It is essential through our Personal Pursuit of Prayer that we follow these directives if we desire the presence of God. Let us give ourselves earnestly to this urgent need and critical need!

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