
Dr. Richard L. Hamm

3 years ago

Life is hard, demanding and is not overly kind to anyone. The pressure and responsibilities can be overwhelming. How many times have you said, or heard someone say, “Things are unraveling and I am hanging on by a thread.” Therefore, it is imperative that you build your life on the proper foundation of Jesus Christ. It requires diligence and persistence if you are to be successful. “If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3). Know with certainty that the follower of Christ is not hanging by a thread. They have firmly gripped a “cord of three strands (Father, Son and Holy Ghost) is not quickly or easily unraveled (Ecclesiastes 4:12). You’re not hanging by a thread, you are secured to a strong rope that that is a part of Gods’ eternal foundation and it will not fail you or unravel. Regardless of what is or is not happening, God and God alone is in charge of His creation. If you trust in Him, you will be victorious.

The news headlines concerning a variety of important issues continue to scream at us the uncertainty and the volatility of this present life. Inflation, lack of job creation, CRT, LGBTQ transgenderism, lying politicians, Covid, vaccinations, boosters, mask, Great Reset, Socialism/Communism, the New World Order, and Armageddon to highlight a few. More important than the news headlines is the warning from Sacred Scriptures as to the prophetic urgency of our present day––Jesus addresses these issues in His teaching in the Gospels.

I believe 2022 will be filled with lingering difficulties and new challenges that will push society to the brink. Prophetically, things are going to get much worse and the attacks of the enemy will escalate with greater intensity. Don’t allow the lies of the enemy, regardless of who he uses to spread them, to affect you. You know the source of the lie, therefore overcome it with truth. Jesus said, “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.(John 8:44). Do not be fooled or deceived; this will be your greatest danger.

Every sacrifice you make for God will bring you blessings. You must live in, and remain in the flow of the Holy Spirit of God. The follower of Christ will prevail because, “You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world” (1John 4:4). You must focus on the “Mission” and not the “Model.” The model is ever changing but the mission remains constant. It is steadfast and unmovable. Spiritual growth is walking away from what you are comfortable with (the model)––in order to get you where God wants you to be (the mission).

The twenty-first century church mirrors the first-century church in their quest to know when the return of Jesus Christ will take place to establish God's eternal kingdom. Three of the four Gospels record Jesus’ answer to the disciples question, “What will be the signs of your return?” Paul also addressed the concerns of those who wanted to know when Christ would return. He  informed them/us that, “No one knows the exact time, but we will know the season of His return.” When most people hear the word season they think in three month cycles; spring, summer, autumn and winter. Obviously, Paul is not addressing a season that is three months long. Rather, he is speaking of the season/process of the development of certain things that must take place before the return of Christ. It certainly appears that we have been in the season of Christ’s return and the final events are soon to be completed and will usher in His imminent return.

It is extremely important that every follower of Christ is aware of what is transpiring, so that you can be ready when the glorious anticipated return takes place. From the parable that Jesus shared in Matthew 25:1-13, it is essential that every believer maintain their spiritual lamp. You  must trim the wick, keep it burning and make sure the fuel oil of the Holy Spirit fills your life. You must be wise and not foolish in this season of the completion of the dispensation of God's grace.

Following the rapture, the judgment of God upon planet earth, will be like no other time in the past or the present and will never be again (Matt 25:31-33). As turbulent as these days will be, this should be a time of glorious excitement and anticipation for every follower of Jesus Christ. It is the certainty of God’s kingdom, coming in fullness to His creation. Jesus said, “But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28).

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