
Wednesday September 25, 2019

Dr. Richard L. Hamm

“The Pastoral Epistles” is a term used to designate Paul’s two letters to Timothy and one letter to Titus. Two things distinguish these three epistles from Paul’s other letters: (1) They are among the last things Paul wrote, reflecting the sort of concerns which burdened the apostle near the end of his ministry. (2) They are ostensibly addressed not to a congregation but to two young men who were functioning in pastoral roles. They are highly personal, practical, and unsystematic in nature; and they deal with matters of church order which Paul had not addressed except in passing. Paul’s pastoral letters are written to individuals, but they’re meant for congregations. And they’re not meant only for the original individual and the original congregation to whom they are addressed: they are meant for us as well. Paul is not simply sharing his opinions in these letters, he is telling us God’s will and word for the church today. The pastoral epistles give us both a description and a prescription of the pattern and the life of the local church. The church was formed and instituted by God. Therefore, the church is to function according to God’s design.