Saying Yes To God

Sunday April 19, 2020

Dr. Richard L. Hamm

If you could ask God for anything, what would it be? Wealth, notoriety, power, or influence? When King Solomon ascended to the throne of Israel, he asked for wisdom. To be given wisdom to live life and to honor God by using that wisdom would be one the greatest gift that any one could possess. However, there is one additional attribute that every follower of Christ must desire. For without it the Sacred Scriptures inform us that, “Without holiness, you will not see God.” If you are seeking to hear God’s voice—Seek His holiness. His presence flows out of His holiness. Your ability to perceive and receive His voice flows out of your desire for His holiness. If you ask for holiness, He will make you whole. Because you do not ask for anything else, He will give you everything else. Everything from God flows out of His holiness.